#!/usr/bin/env python ## run the following from a cron to update the haproxy config # python gateway_config.py | sudo tee /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg # sudo service haproxy restart import os import requests import jinja2 __location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))) KUBERNETES_MASTER_PORT = 6443 KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP = "" # update with the private IP of one of the master nodes KUBECTL_HOST = "https://%s:%d" % (KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP, KUBERNETES_MASTER_PORT) KUBECTL_TOKEN = "" # JWT, not base64 encoded. Get this from the serviceaccount secret KUBECTL_VERIFY_SSL = False HAPROXY_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE = "haproxy.j2" def get_haproxy_config_template(): with open(os.path.join(__location__, HAPROXY_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE), 'r') as myfile: data = myfile.read() return jinja2.Template(data) def get_k8s_resources(resource): """use the k8s API to get node details""" url = "%s/api/v1/%s" % (KUBECTL_HOST, resource) headers = {'user-agent': 'gateway-config', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % KUBECTL_TOKEN} services_request = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=KUBECTL_VERIFY_SSL) if services_request.status_code != 200: raise Exception(services_request.content) return services_request.json()['items'] def get_endpoints_for_loadbalancers(): load_balanced_endpoints = [] services = get_k8s_resources('services') endpoints = get_k8s_resources('endpoints') for service in services: for endpoint in endpoints: if (service['metadata']['name'] == endpoint['metadata']['name'] and service['metadata']['namespace'] == endpoint['metadata']['namespace'] and service['spec']['type'] == 'LoadBalancer'): if endpoint['subsets']: for subset in endpoint['subsets']: for port in service['spec']['ports']: if port['port'] in [80, 443] and 'ingress' not in service['metadata']['name']: continue gateway_endpoint = {} service_name = service['metadata']['name'].replace(" ", "-") gateway_endpoint['name'] = "SRV_%s" % (service_name) gateway_endpoint['port'] = "%d" % (port['port']) gateway_endpoint['labels'] = "%s" % (service['metadata']['labels']) gateway_endpoint['mode'] = "%s" % port['protocol'].lower() gateway_endpoint['balance'] = 'leastconn' gateway_endpoint['servers'] = [] server_number = 1 if 'addresses' in subset: for address in subset['addresses']: gateway_endpoint['servers'].append("server %s_%s %s:%d check cookie %s" % (service_name, server_number, address['ip'], port['targetPort']), server_number) server_number += 1 load_balanced_endpoints.append(gateway_endpoint) return load_balanced_endpoints def get_haproxy_config(): load_balanced_endpoints = get_endpoints_for_loadbalancers() haproxy_config = get_haproxy_config_template().render(backends=load_balanced_endpoints) return haproxy_config def main(): print(get_haproxy_config()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()